Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rhetorical Historiography and Digital Humanities

Wysocki on memory starts the discussion.

2 questions: What are we obligated to memorialize? what are we obligated to memory in a world of external memory?

Steigler: media creates memories for audience more than creates publics.

but if only eternal memories cannot participate in transculture. must produce and consumer memory via texts to participate in co-constitution

II. rhetorical memory prior to print to ruminate on the coming of digital memory

architecture of memory. break things into "chunks" and "Images" placed into an architecture; move ons body through the architecture

process of systems: set it up, chose what to memory, put it in relationship to others, hunting with others things remembered to = invention

III Vignettes for current personal technology

a. off load memories ; to store, tag, mentally keep in chronological order
easy memory externalization consoles us that we have memories not experiences.

information management crisis with my life processes. therefore, we need structures for memory

b. free floating memories: memories without spaces. digital games, require internalize the game world's geography

--gaming experiences be expanded and narrativizes as drama.
games are memory spaces in need of memory

c. design of a building of memorial structures

impassible stairways, uneven floors; affective oriented. emotionally weighed, the are bodily memory systems.

use digital productions to raise questions of obligation about memory; based more on memory structures

Presentation 2: Digital Archives as Rhetoric: Hart-Davidson and Ridolfo

I. Do something with a collection of Samaritan texts at Michigan State

provide access; be culturally sensitive repository; online teaching, learning and research, be user centered design

huge textual diaspora of samaritan; more manuscripts than actually samaritans in the world

Phases of archival

a. stakeholder interviews

what kind of meta data; what kind of data
b. high fidelity mockups, interactive prototype
c. field research, usability testing
d. Prototpe; community centered metadata acquistiion tool

b. what people do with texts is the second part

they were interested in how "others" used the texts. scholars interested in Samaritans and Scholars interested in what Samaritans use the texts

"rhetorical perspective to the other"

II. Way we came to think about how our approach positionality working with other stakeholders. 3 groups from their own disciplinary/activitu

a. archivists/librarians b. scholars c. samaritan people

we were studying them? anecodte of the ways in which different

digital humanities relationship archvie

preservation and access not seperate in digital/ places for enacting cultural practices
one of the places of cultural survival.

A stain on the texts assumed the fault of preservation. the stain, was accounted for by a movement, be humble touch face/touch text, 1500 years of text use. working codex likely in someones home. so were from use.

transforming made, circulated, used by stakeholders.

tremendous human stakes. needed an "accurate account" store and maintain connections of uses over time

Artifacts in culture (Bhabba); bring artifact into archive = cultural violence, but, digital may allow less violence if digital decreases the tension between preservation and access

Presentation 3: J. Enoch Feminist Historiography and Digital Humanities

6 million in new digital grants

187 articles on feminist historigraphy none talk about digital humanities

reasons for meaningful identification

Ramsy and Sullivan exceptions

what makes them less interactive than one would suggest

FH: Recover forgotten women rhetors; work in local archives, smaller amounts of archival material

DH: archive canonical figures; Big data

are we divided in our work; one word to bring together "methodology" key term.

Feminist histoigraphy special issue of RSQ

digital tools bring on methodological moment (quote) new questions and answers.

Digital Archives
lots of places already exists for women's history. used to be dearth of archive, the archive means infinite expansion of possiblity

women's social movements example =. sea of data how to make sense of the information. Need a proactive method

2. digital tools and data mining.

data, code, empirical; deep listening

"the google way of tracking NGram Viewer

Lots of talk on Aspasia in the 1820s. fun tool "gateway drug"

act of forgetting is rhetorical substituting one memory for another

can use tools even if problematic, a renewed emphasis on feminist questions

how tools come into being, for what purpose, what priorities, goals/objectives = critical engagement of tool

3: multimodal scholarship

do it better, also differently. multimodal scholars produce full uses of different senses. Previous practices multimodal more public. digital history is to build by immersion not argument

Sharon Daniels Public Secrets. Women carcarated. women tell their stories in own voices with cell doors.

digital learning curve is great. refuse linear mode and take other moves. not experiment with alternative forms. method concern change methods we offer history more than how we research.

pull readers in, more than argument, is a moment of feminist connections/identification with multimodel scholarships; passionate attachments good.

Q; not alot of talk about digital divide nor much exploration of what an "archive is or does or the will to archive"

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